Ein Drache

#1 von Laris , 28.01.2010 07:09

Im Umgang mit den Engeln braucht ihr
mehr Vertrauen und Initiative. Es gibt uns !
Der Zweifel ist ein Drache, den es zu bezwingen
gilt, auch der Zweifel daran, dass wir die
Vollmacht haben, euch im Namen und
Auftrag des Herrn zu belehren.

Beiträge: 14.135
Registriert am: 15.09.2009

Re: Ein Drache

#2 von Laris , 28.01.2010 07:10

Die Engel haben das Kristallwesen wegg. Der Drache ist vom Kristallwesen besessen.

Beiträge: 14.135
Registriert am: 15.09.2009


#3 von Felix , 08.07.2022 21:19

Der Drache Lharamtha ...
kein Wunder, dass sie die Esoterische Psychologie,
Band 2 nicht auswendig lernen konnte. Das können
ja nur Menschen und sie ist halt ein Drache.

Beiträge: 25.196
Registriert am: 11.04.2015


#4 von Felix , 11.11.2023 14:35

Beiträge: 25.196
Registriert am: 11.04.2015


#5 von Felix , 08.12.2023 08:43

Beiträge: 25.196
Registriert am: 11.04.2015


#6 von Felix , 21.12.2023 06:00

Beiträge: 25.196
Registriert am: 11.04.2015


#7 von Felix , 26.02.2024 09:35

January 14, 2024


Solara: "In early October 2023, I did a rare interview for an online congress in Germany. Then a few weeks later, Katrin who had interviewed me, unexpectedly contacted us, offering to come to Peru and help us for three months! As we are always in need of help, we gratefully said yes.

Later that month, during the final AN•TAWA Ceremonies at the Heart of AN, Nogi and I started talking about our coming to Japan to make some ceremonies. Ever since we moved onto the Heart of AN ten years ago, I had not left the land for even one night. If I was to leave here and travel to Japan, it had to be for something very important. A few weeks later in mid November, it came to me that we needed to go there to AWAKEN THE WHITE DRAGON!!

I had known about the White Dragon for many years. We had birthed the White Dragon at our 11:11 Eighth Gate Activation in 2009 and it had appeared at several later 11:11 Activations, always embodied by two humans. If we had already birthed the White Dragon, why did it now need to Awaken?

Delving deeper, I realized that since everything had transformed greatly since 2009, the True, Living White Crystal Dragon was now ready to fully manifest. It had been waiting for the completion of the AN•TAWA Ceremonies which had set into motion a massive shift. But this time, it would be the Real and True Manifestation of the WHITE DRAGON in its true form, not embodied by any humans.

I have also known for over forty years about the importance of the Philippine Plate and have watched it closely. I have known for over twenty years that is where the White Dragon resides. That’s when I knew for sure that Japan was the right place to awaken the White Dragon. This was something which I could not refuse.


Although White Dragons have appeared throughout history, the true Crystal White Dragon is not at all like anything we thought it was. Even all the beautiful White Dragon artwork available today, does not correctly depict it.

There is only one WHITE DRAGON, but it can appear in multiple places and multiple forms at once. The WHITE DRAGON suddenly appears from Beyond the Beyond embodying pure new energies that have never been here before. The WHITE DRAGON is an open Doorway through which we can touch unborn worlds.

Although all dragons bring transformation, whenever the WHITE DRAGON appears, it brings something absolutely NEW from way beyond our present imagining that realigns us to our true core essence. This is what is now happening to us in 2024.

The appearance of the WHITE DRAGON is the ultimate manifestation before the shift of reality systems when a spin off of the old world occurs. The WHITE DRAGON is free of all old stories and free of any previous lineages. The WHITE DRAGON is the Supreme Dragon and all other Dragons are in service to it.

The WHITE DRAGON Gate is now open ..."

Beiträge: 25.196
Registriert am: 11.04.2015


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